Use WINTER100 for £100 off all plans

Find the perfect home for you

Search properties, book viewings, apply to rent, and manage your payments – with our simple, intuitive rental platform.

Four simple steps

Search properties

Find your perfect pad online, then arrange a viewing.

Apply to rent

Apply in a click, then track progress via your dashboard.

Pay rent online

Make secure rent and deposit payments and view details.

Stay in control

Ask questions, get alerts, and understand what's happening.

Search rental properties

Find homes that tick all your boxes, then communicate directly with landlords, and book viewings.

Sign up in less than five minutes.

Find your ideal property and submit quick enquiries.

Request viewings and communicate with the landlord directly.

Apply within minutes

Complete your online application in a few quick steps, then submit from your phone or desktop.

Apply to rent in just a few minutes, directly through

Fill out your reference checks online with our trusted referencing partner.

Keep track of your application and referencing progress from your personal dashboard and get email alerts for the important stuff.

Pay safely and securely

Make secure rent and deposit payments online, and set up helpful reminders for total peace of mind.

Pay your rent in just one click with the security of Open Banking. We'll even send you an email a few days before your rent is so you don't forget.

All holding deposits and tenancy deposits paid through are legally compliant, meaning you'll never pay the wrong amount or risk being scammed.

All tenancy deposit paid via are registered with the TDS or SafeDeposits Scotland, meaning your money is completely safe during your tenancy.

Stay on top of everything

Message your landlord, get alerts, and always know what's happening via your personal dashboard.

Get expert from our team and discover our Help Centre.

Easily contact your landlord, organise property visits and report maintenance issues.

Keep updated, get alerts and view your rent payments from your dashboard.

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